May 17,2019 | Conference | Lifecycle of India Focused Funds Conference | Nishith M. Desai | New York |
February 23,2021 | CIArb YMG ADR World Tour | INDIA - ADR in the World's Largest Democracy | Arbitration and mediation as a global force for good | Kshama Loya | Virtual |
September 07,2020 | Ananta Godrej Ideas 2019 | India’s Economic Growth Challenge: Mind Or Matter? | Pratibha Jain | Jodhpur |
November 26,2020 | A cross-border perspective on the interaction between arbitration and insolvency | | Alipak Banerjee | Virtual |
March 14,2019 | 2nd Annual Pharma Regulatory Summit 2019 | Understanding recent regulatory developments to explore innovative strategies | Dr. Milind Antani | Kohinoor Continental Hotel, Mumbai, India |
February 15,2020 | 12th Annual International Conference on Arbitration | The perks of Domestic Arbitrations in India, in an increasingly International World. | Moazzam Khan | Delhi |
December 08,2020 | “TURF 2020”, 10Th Global Sports Summit | Session titled “e-sports in India: Making Mark in Global Landscape” | Ranjana Adhikari | Virtual |
April 29,2020 | ‘Lifecycle of an Arbitration’ Webinar Series | Managing and Strategizing the Pre-Disputes Phase | Alipak Banerjee | Mumbai |